Hollywood’s Elite Artist Development & Music Business Program
JULY 12-21, 2024
At VocalizeU, we understand the importance of healthy artist development for a sustainable music career.
Our mission is to provide the next generation of music artists affordable access to elite, award-winning mentors, music executives and coaches from Hollywood.
We believe that by building confidence, alongside growing technical skills and demystifying the music industry, we can positively impact the future of music for a more diverse, inclusive and creative young generation of artists.
VU provides Award-Winning Hollywood Music Industry Mentors to work with developing artists from all over the world!
Get access to artist development, songwriting, production support while having a chance to share your songs in front of mentors and other artists who can help get the word out.
Our Production Track will help you get the tools you need to work more effeciently with your artists and the development to consistently get your music in front of the right people.
Music Management
For those who are supporting an artist on the management end, whether your client or yourself, our managment track will give you the tools you need to build a recognizable brand and consistently put out material to support sustainable growth.